davisking / dlib

A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++

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Can't compile or install dlib

VenRoot opened this issue · comments


Trying to compile dlib or install it from pip with pip install dlib results in an error. I tried for weeks and now finally giving up and directly creating an issue. Thank you in advance

Expected Behavior

It should compile and build, or should install via pip3

Current Behavior

Either compiling or building results in errors.
This is the output when trying to compile it: https://pastebin.com/Yf9BXX6u
And this is the output when trying to install it via pip3 log.log <-- too big for pastebin

Steps to Reproduce

a) From Github Source

  1. Clone the github repo
  2. Make a build folder
  3. Prepare the files in the build folder
  4. Try to build -> it will fail

b) pip

  1. pip install dlib
  2. It fails
  • Version: 19.24
  • Where did you get dlib: This github repo and pip3 sources
  • Platform:
    Distributor ID: Pop
    Description: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
    Release: 22.04
    Codename: jammy
    Linux pop-os 5.17.5-76051705-generic
  • Compiler:
    cmake 3.22.1
    gcc 11.2.0

Those errors aren't from dlib, but the copy of the C++ standard library installed on your computer. Something is apparently wrong with it.


Oh thank you, you know a simple way to "restore" these files? Couldn't find much on google


I got it. /usr/include/cpp/11 was corrupted and I replaced it from another linux installation