davidvarga / MBeautifier

MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in the MATLAB Editor and it is configurable.

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destroys function to Invalid use of operator

Wave89 opened this issue · comments

Hey David,

thank you very much for such a nice function. But there is a small error:
It will convert in the second run from this:

VektorA = [1 2 3 4];
VektorB = [true, VektorA>2]
VektorB =
  1×5 logical array
   1   0   0   1   1 


VektorA = [1, 2, 3, 4];
VektorB = [true, VektorA, >, 2]
File: test.m Line: 2 Column: 27
Invalid use of operator.

Or another example would be from

clearvars -except handles gui Auftragsteil Pruefung CFilename Output BasicSettings
clearvars -global Config folder TableOfTitle


clearvars - except handles gui Auftragsteil Pruefung CFilename Output BasicSettings
clearvars - global Config folder TableOfTitle

which is also wrong interpreted by MATLAB R2021b

Could you please check how to avoid it?

Thank you!


The issue for the example with the Vektor ... should be gone with the referenced commit.

The isue with cleanvars I cannot reproduce (using R2020 at the moment), the extra whitespace is never added.
Do you use some special configuration for MBeauty or you are going with the default one?


Hey D,

the new commit seems fine. Thank you very much for the quick fix!

The clearvars point is not able to reproduce at the moment. If I found more about, I will open a new issue.

Thank you very much!