DavidStrickland0 / CarouselView

CarouselView control for Xamarin Forms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CarouselView control for Xamarin Forms


Platform Support

Platform Supported Version Renderer
Xamarin.iOS Unified Yes iOS 8.1+ UIPageViewController
Xamarin.Android Yes API 15+ ViewPager
UWP Yes 10+ FlipView


In your iOS and Android projects call:



var myCarousel = new CarouselViewControl();
myCarousel.ItemsSource = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
myCarousel.ItemTemplate = new MyTemplateSelector (); //new DataTemplate (typeof(MyView));
myCarousel.Position = 0; //default
myCarousel.InterPageSpacing = 10;
myCarousel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;


First add the xmlns namespace:


Then add the xaml:

<controls:CarouselViewControl Orientation="Horizontal" InterPageSpacing="10" Position="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Pages}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <local:MyView />

Or, you can use a data template selector.

	   <local:MyTemplateSelector x:Key="myTemplateSelector"></local:MyTemplateSelector>

Then the xaml:

<controls:CarouselViewControl Position="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Pages}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource myTemplateSelector}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"/>

Render one page at a time, no swiping, move back and fort programmatically:

var pages = new List<int> { 1 }; // only one item in ItemsSource
Carousel.ItemsSource = pages;

To move forward:

void OnNext (object sender, TappedEventArgs e) {
	Carousel.InsertPage(2); // parameter is the new item to be used as binding context for the second view

To move back:

async void OnPrevious (object sender, TappedEventArgs e) {
	var pages = new List<int>() { 1, pages[0] }; // inserting one item on position 0 of ItemsSource
	Carousel.Position = 1;
	Carousel.ItemsSource = pages;
	await Task.Delay(100);


As a requirement you have to provide HeighRequest for UI components using OnPlatform:

<Button Text="MyButton">
        <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Double"
            iOS="44" />

Default HeightRequest by platform

Control iOS Android UWP
ActivityIndicator 20 48 4
Button 44 48 32
DatePicker 30 45.5 32
Editor 36.5 45.5 32
Entry 30 45.5 32
Picker 30 45.5 32
ProgressBar 2 16 4
Searchbar 44 45 32
Slider 34 18 44
Stepper 29 48 32
Switch 31 27 40
TimePicker 30 45.5 32

As an alternative, I'm providing custom controls that implement a fix for HeightRequest (CVLabel is the only one that is required):

<controls:CVActivityIndicator x:Name="activityIndicator" IsRunning="true"/>
<controls:CVButton x:Name="button" Text="Remove this page" Clicked="Handle_Clicked"/>
<controls:CVDatePicker x:Name="datePicker" />
<controls:CVEditor x:Name="editor" BackgroundColor="Silver"/>
<controls:CVEntry x:Name="entry" />
<controls:CVPicker x:Name="picker" />
<controls:CVProgressBar x:Name="progressBar" Progress="0.5" />
<controls:CVSearchBar x:Name="searchBar" />
<controls:CVSlider x:Name="slider" />
<controls:CVStepper x:Name="stepper" />
<controls:CVSwitch x:Name="myswitch" />
<controls:CVTimePicker x:Name="timePicker" />
<controls:CVLabel x:Name="label" Text="My Label"/> <!-- Required -->

If you have your own custom renderers, and you don't want to provide HeightRequest using OnPlatform, they will have to ExportRenderer for CV controls:

[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof(CVButton), typeof(MyButtonRenderer))]

Take a look at these code snippets so you know what CV controls do:

public class CVLabel : Label // REQUIRED
	public CVLabel()
		SetBinding(Label.HeightRequestProperty, new Binding("WidthRequest", BindingMode.Default, new LabelHeightConverter(), this, null, this));

	protected override void OnSizeAllocated(double width, double height)
		base.OnSizeAllocated(width, height);

		WidthRequest = width;

		this.LayoutTo(new Rectangle(this.X, this.Y, width, height));


public class CVButton : Button 
	public CVButton()
		if (HeightRequest == -1)
			switch (Device.OS)
				case TargetPlatform.iOS:
					HeightRequest = 44;
				case TargetPlatform.Android:
					HeightRequest = 48;
					HeightRequest = 32;

Bindable Properties

Orientation: Vertical or Horizontal swipe/scroll (default horizontal).

ItemsSource: Collection of objects used as BindingContext of each view.

  • I wanted to support CollectionChanged events, but specially Android ViewPager is not designed to handle that scenario. To Add and Remove pages/items use the provided API. You can use an Observable collection as ItemsSource and use CollectionChanged events in your end for your own business logic.

ItemTemplate: supports DataTemplate and DataTemplateSelector.

Position: the desired selected view when Carousel starts.

Bounces: use this property to disable bounces when you will render one page at a time and move back and fort programmatically (iOS only, default true).

Arrows: disable arrows navigation (UWP only, default true).

PageIndicators: hide/show page indicators (default false).

PageIndicatorBackgroundColor: page indicators container background color (default transparent).

PageIndicatorTintColor: page dot indicators fill color (default #C0C0C0).

CurrentPageIndicatorTintColor: selected page dot indicator fill color (default #808080).

InterPageSpacing: add a margin/space between pages (Android and iOS only).

Event Handlers

PositionSelected: called when position changes.


RemovePage (position): remove a view at given position (when you remove the current view it will slide to the previous one). This method will also remove the related item from the ItemsSource.

InsertPage (item, position): insert a view at a given position (if position parameter is not provided, item will be added at the end).

SetCurrentPage (position): slide programmatically to a given position.

Known issues

  • Horizontal StackLayout doesn't works. Why? No idea :) You may use a multi-column Grid instead.


  • If you have memory leaks in Android when using the Carousel with images, it's not the control itself. It's Xamarin.Forms Android not handling images correctly. To solve the problem you can use FFImageLoading making sure that you set this properties:
DownsampleToViewSize="true" DownsampleWidth="WIDTH"




Licensed under repo license


CarouselView control for Xamarin Forms

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%