davidrea / indxd

A Meteor web app to index topics in a pocket notebook library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't edit/delete topics

dicktone opened this issue · comments

Perhaps it's an issue with my hardware, but when I click on a topic to edit it, nothing happens! Thanks!

Thanks for the report. What browser/OS/device are you using? You need to make sure you click on either the text or the page number of the topic to edit; the background doesn't do anything.

Thanks for the quick response! I'm using Firefox/OSX Yosemite/MacBookPro. I click on the text and/or page # and nothing happens. All other functionality seems OK.

I used Safari instead and it works fine. Maybe my add-ons are interfering with Firefox. thanks.

Huh...strange...a quick test might be to start Firefox in safe mode to see if an Add-On is causing the issue:


I'm having the same issue in Firefox 39.0, both in normal browsing and in Safe Mode. Clicking on topics changes their background to light grey, but does not allow for editing; and clicking the trashcan icon does nothing.

Tried it in 39.0 here, same issue. Maybe the Firefox is sending the click through on the parent element, will investigate...

Reporting several months later: this is still an issue in Firefox 42.0.

Sorry for the long delay here... I am revamping topic interaction, which should make this issue go away once it goes live!

Awesome! Thanks for the update, David!

Hey David, this is still an issue today. In Firefox 50.0.1, Chrome 54.0.2840.99 m, and Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0, clicking on the a topic brings up a dialog box that reads "Edit Topic," but I see no way to edit the topic name or page numbers. Clicking "Delete Topic" does nothing--the dialog box remains and the topic is not deleted.

This now means that I have no way, as far as I can tell, to delete topics from my books. Which is a bit of a hassle!

Hey Spencer - the behavior you're describing is actually the incomplete revamp of topic editing that I promised back on New Years day this year. And here it is December! I accidentally pushed the incomplete code recently when I deployed an update (ff4d568) to fix a 3rd-party package problem.

I've re-deployed the correct version of code now, so the original rename/delete behavior should be restored. I hope to wrap up that new "Edit Topic" box very soon, as well as some other ideas I've been cooking up on dog-walks and commutes... :)