davidrea / indxd

A Meteor web app to index topics in a pocket notebook library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Topic on multiple pages in a book

tja33 opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to note a topic on multiple pages in a book?

What about extending a topic across multiple books?

I'd like this feature as well.

In particular--and tja33, this might not be what you were imagining, so pardon me if this seems like co-opting your issue thread--I'd sure like it if, when creating a topic, if another topic with the exact same name exists, the two were merged. Right now, if you have

  • indxd feature requests (42)

and add

  • indxd feature requests (65)

then your list reads

  • indxd feature requests (42)
  • indxd feature requests (65)

At least within the same book, I think it'd sure be handy if they auto-collapsed into:

  • indxd feature requests (42, 65)

TJA & Spencer - thanks for capturing this one - this is definitely something I'd like to get in place. Since MongoDB doesn't support "distinct" selections natively, I need to work out how to do it on the client side, but this is definitely on my radar!