davidramiro / Marlin-Ai3M

🖨 Marlin firmware optimized for the Anycubic i3 Mega 3D printer

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[BUG]SD Card Menu will not show

3dRikal opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The special menu for bed leveling will not appear when the SD Card is pushed in.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start printer
  2. Insert freshly formatted 4GB SD Card (formatted in FAT32 with SDCARD.ORG tool)
  3. No menu appears after hitting refresh

Expected behavior
Menu should appear

I have tried pulling the SDCARD a little, a lot, reinserting. Nothing works. The SD Card reader does work as I can print from it when putting files on the card. There is noting at the moment on the SD Card (no funky characters)

Printer (please complete the following information):

  • Firmware version: 1.1.9
  • Printing method Octoprint (primary) SD, Cura
  • Model: Mega-S

M503 Output
Send: M503 Recv: echo: G21 ; (mm) Recv: Recv: echo:Filament settings: Disabled Recv: echo: M200 D1.75 Recv: echo: M200 D0 Recv: echo:Steps per unit: Recv: echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E384.00 Recv: echo:Maximum feedrates (units/s): Recv: echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z6.00 E60.00 Recv: echo:Maximum Acceleration (units/s2): Recv: echo: M201 X3000 Y2000 Z60 E10000 Recv: echo:Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel> Recv: echo: M204 P1500.00 R3000.00 T3000.00 Recv: echo:Advanced: Q<min_segment_time_us> S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> X<max_x_jerk> Y<max_y_jerk> Z<max_z_jerk> E<max_e_jerk> Recv: echo: M205 Q20000 S0.00 T0.00 X10.00 Y10.00 Z0.40 E5.00 Recv: echo:Home offset: Recv: echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 Recv: echo:Mesh Bed Leveling: Recv: echo: M420 S0 Z0.00 Recv: echo:Endstop adjustment: Recv: echo: M666 Z0.00 Recv: echo:PID settings: Recv: echo: M301 P15.94 I1.17 D54.19 Recv: echo: M304 P251.78 I49.57 D319.73 Recv: echo:Linear Advance: Recv: echo: M900 K0.00 Recv: echo:Filament load/unload lengths: Recv: echo: M603 L538.00 U555.00 Recv: ok

I have had reports that Anycubic is now using a new screen on older models, on which the SD card menu will not work.

Can you confirm if your screen looks something like this:


Sorry, can't really look into it at the moment due to lack of time. Although I can recommend this firmware which supports this screen: https://github.com/knutwurst/Marlin-2-0-x-Anycubic-i3-MEGA-S/

Just wanted to note that I had issues that extended beyond just the SD menu with this firmware. Notably, both times that I tried to print, the x axis would immediately attempt to overextend, and then the printing would halt.

The alternative firmware you recommended does work pretty good.


Just wanted to note that I had issues that extended beyond just the SD menu with this firmware. Notably, both times that I tried to print, the x axis would immediately attempt to overextend, and then the printing would halt.

Which printer model do you use? I am curious whether they changed something else than the screen on i3 Mega/Mega-S model. I do know that the Mega X/Pro has other drivers, so this behaviour would be expected.

It's a Mega S. Anything you want me to check?