davidortinau / WeatherTwentyOne

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Start the Window App?

plettb opened this issue · comments

I'm feeling quite foolish about this, being a long-time VS/.NET dev, but I haven't figured out how to launch the Windows version of the app. What am I missing? I've set "WeatherTwentyOne.WinUI" as my startup project, and when I attempt to run the project I get "Unable to start debugging. The startup project cannot be launched. ..."

Admittedly I'm very new to Maui (this is my first attempt even to look at a Maui app), but....

It was hard back then, now with rc1/preview8, you can run the app from PR #37 on Windows as follows:

It was hard back then, now with rc1/preview8, you can run the app from PR #37 on Windows

I assume we're getting closer, but I can't even build that branch. I get "Unable to find package PInvoke.User32. No packages exist with this id in source(s): C:\Program Files\dotnet\library-packs, dotnet6, public, xamarin".