davidmoten / subethasmtp

SubEtha SMTP is a Java library for receiving SMTP mail

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Using SubEtha SMTP with Angus Mail

philipru opened this issue · comments

I had to change my application from using Jakarta Mail to Angus Mail which is a compatible implementation of the Jakarta Mail Specification 2.1+ https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/angus-mail/

I excluded the transitive dependency that com.github.davidmoten:subethasmtp:6.0.7 has on com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail so that it would use org.eclipse.angus:angus-mail:2.0.2 instead.

SubEtha SMTP seems to be working OK. Do you see any problems with doing this?

Many thanks

Sounds ok to me. I looked at the Angus link but couldn't grock why the project exists, a tad vague in its description. What's your motivation for using it?

Make sure you do a check of your built application to check the libs are as you expected.

Thanks for your response. The built libraries look OK.

Angus Mail can be used when you have some libraries that are dependent on the old javax.mail, so you need both Jakarta and Javax mail on your classpath. The com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail can't be used as the com.sun.mail classes have the same names as the ones in javax.mail and they clash. Angus has moved these classes to org.eclipse.angus.mail.

Ah, thanks for the info.