davidmchapman / 3DContainerPacking

A 3D container packing library in C#.

Repository from Github https://github.comdavidmchapman/3DContainerPackingRepository from Github https://github.comdavidmchapman/3DContainerPacking


forceassaulter opened this issue · comments

@davidchapman I am in a project and I need to arrange the boxes in a container where the door is at the front. I could not fully understand the code so I could not change the orientation. Can you please add more information to explain the code or to add new feature to choose which orientation to arrange first? Thank you.

@davidchapman I am in a project and I need to arrange the boxes in a container where the door is at the front. I could not fully understand the code so I could not change the orientation. Can you please add more information to explain the code or to add new feature to choose which orientation to arrange first? Thank you.

Did you ever find a solution to locking orientation?

is it possible to block the rotation?

The packing algorithm that is currently implemented does not allow blocking the rotation or specifying a "front" or other item/container orientations.