davidmchapman / 3DContainerPacking

A 3D container packing library in C#.

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Packing issue on several containers

petrasvestartas opened this issue · comments


I am trying to pack boxes into two containers. But the problem is that all boxes are packed separately for each container. I expected that second container will be filled only if first container is full is it right or not? Is this desired behavior or something wrong is with my code?

        List<Box> b_result = new List<Box>(); //Output of packed boxes
        List<Box> b0 = new List<Box>();
        List<Box> b1 = new List<Box>();

        DA.GetDataList(0, b0);//Gui to get containers
        DA.GetDataList(1, b1);//Gui to get items

        //Create a list of Container objects, which describes the dimensions of the containers:
        List<Container> containers = new List<Container>();

        for (int i = 0; i < b0.Count; i++) {
            containers.Add(new Container(i, Convert.ToDecimal(b0[i].X.Length), Convert.ToDecimal(b0[i].Z.Length), Convert.ToDecimal(b0[i].Y.Length)));

        //Create a list of items to pack:
        List<Item> itemsToPack = new List<Item>();

        for (int i = 0; i < b1.Count; i++) {
            itemsToPack.Add(new Item(i, Convert.ToDecimal(b1[i].X.Length), Convert.ToDecimal(b1[i].Z.Length), Convert.ToDecimal(b1[i].Y.Length),1));

        //Create a list of algorithm IDs corresponding to the algorithms you would like to use. (Currently EB-AFIT is the only algorithm implemented.) Algorithm IDs are listed in the AlgorithmType enum.
        List<int> algorithms = new List<int>();

        //Call the Pack method on your container list, item list, and algorithm list:
        List<ContainerPackingResult> result = PackingService.Pack(containers, itemsToPack, algorithms);

        //Extracting values
        for(int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < result[i].AlgorithmPackingResults.Count; j++) {

                for(int k = 0; k< result[i].AlgorithmPackingResults[j].PackedItems.Count; k++) {
                    Point3d origin = new Point3d(
                    origin += b0[result[i].ContainerID].BoundingBox.Min;

                    double x_ = Convert.ToDouble(result[i].AlgorithmPackingResults[j].PackedItems[k].PackDimX);
                    double y_ = Convert.ToDouble(result[i].AlgorithmPackingResults[j].PackedItems[k].PackDimY) ;
                    double z_ = Convert.ToDouble(result[i].AlgorithmPackingResults[j].PackedItems[k].PackDimZ) ;

                    b_result.Add(new Box(
                        new Plane(origin, Vector3d.ZAxis),
                        new Interval(0, x_),
                        new Interval(0, y_),
                        new Interval(0, z_)


Hi, there! Yes, the way the service is written, it will try to pack all the items into all of the containers--it is not packing one and then taking the leftovers and packing them in the next. To do what you are trying to do, I suggest taking the pack results from round one, find the "best" result, see which items are in the unpacked list for that result, and then run that subset through a second time, etc. Keep peeling off the best sets in each round and go again with the leftovers. Does that make sense?

Hello, I would like to render the boxes in my scene, the thing is that I dont know what does the coordinates mean, are they the center of the box? if yes we will need to add the value of the boundingBox/2 to the origin!! .. , and i have an issue with the rotation values, they are around 1 2 3 and it doesnt make sense to me..