davidhenley / TemplateOnionAPI

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Blog - CRUD, Filter, Sort, Page, and Shape Data in Asp.Net Core REST API with OnionAPI Template

Developers can use the Visual Studio template OnionAPI to scaffold a clean architecture REST API solution consisting of five projects

  1. Domain - entities and the common models
  2. Application - Interfaces, CQRS Features, Exceptions, Behaviors
  3. Infrastructure.Persistence - application-specific database access
  4. Infrastructure.Shared - common services such as Mail Service, Date Time Service, Mock, and so on
  5. WebApi - controllers for REST API resources and endpoints

The underline tech stack provides loosely-coupled and inverted-dependency architecture with good design patterns and practices.

  1. ASP.NET CORE 5 — a framework for creating RESTful services, also known as web APIs, using C#
  2. Repository Pattern — abstraction layer between the data access layer and the controller
  3. CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) Pattern — separating read and update operations for a data store to maximize performance, scalability, and security based on MediatR and AutoMapper
  4. Entity Framework Core — a lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology
  5. Swashbuckle — the industry standard for REST API documentation and testing
  6. Bogus — a realistic, easy to use mock data .NET library for rapid REST API design and testing

How to intall the template during development

Copy the TemplateOnionAPI.zip (in the root of the repo) to the directory of the Visual Studio templates for C# on your desktop.

For Visual Studio 2019, the template folder is at

C:\Users[UserName]\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#

Reference: How to: Create multi-project templates



Language:C# 100.0%