davidgtonge / underscore-query

MongoDB like query api for JavaScript Arrays

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Score feature

vincent opened this issue · comments

Hi, thank you for this library, love it.

My specific requirement is to find the "best match" ; that is a kind of score, to find the item matching the most query statements.
An advanced version could allow a "boost" keyword in some statements of a query.

Do you think it's a realistic feature to ask ? I understand it needs quite a big change.
If you're not interested to do it, could you point me some tips about how could I do it ?


Hi, thanks for the comment. It sounds like an interesting feature. Please can you give an example with sample data and the type of result you would like

The idea is to have a kind-of should Elasticsearch query.

Here's an example of what I mean: https://gist.github.com/vincent/3a86441354458b7acaa3

In my personal requirement, I just need the best result, with or without the _score metadata

@vincent please try out the score api in the above commit.

it "has a score method with a $boost operator", ->
    collection = [
      { name:'dress',  color:'red',   price:100 }
      { name:'shoes',  color:'black', price:120 }
      { name:'jacket', color:'blue',  price:150 }

    results = _.query.score( collection, { price: 100, color: {$in:['black'], $boost:3 }})

    assert.equal _.findWhere(results, {name:'dress'})._score, 0.5
    assert.equal _.findWhere(results, {name:'shoes'})._score, 1.5

awesome, thank you !

I'll try this asap.