davidfrantz / force

Framework for Operational Radiometric Correction for Environmental monitoring

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error when S2 Level 2 processing - blank BOA

dryginmo opened this issue · comments

I´m running Force V. 3.7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 . When processing Sentinel 2 data to Level 2 (no matter if for a single image or an archive directory) it´s either a blank BOA or a BOA with negative values that won´t display in QGIS or nothing at all processed. In the log file I get no error message. Sometimes after around 15 minutes there are products written, sometimes not. I skipped the topo correction, used only cloud free data, I checked my depency program versions, tried to process with and without data cube and nothing seems to work. If the empty BOA is processed the I also have a "_hot.tif" as auxilliary file which looks normal to me. All other auxilliary tif files are also empty.
What more information could I provide you with to get deeper into this issue?

Best regards

Hi, upgrading FORCE to 3.7.3-fix or 3.7.4 should fix this. The version you're using contains a bug causing empty S2 outputs that was fixed in 3.7.3.

Thanks for your reply. In the tutorial I have only found ways to install specific versions. How do I upgrade Force?

You just install that specific version. Just like how you installed 3.7.2, but then use the download for 3.7.4.

Try using Docker if you can. It makes switching between releases very easy.

I´d just like to confirm that updating to 3.7.4 solved the issue :)