davidefiocco / streamlit-fastapi-model-serving

Simple web app example serving a PyTorch model using streamlit and FastAPI

Home Page:https://davidefiocco.github.io/streamlit-fastapi-ml-serving

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to attach the dockhero url to the heroku app url

hiruyhadgu opened this issue · comments

The approach described using dockhero to deploy leads to a separate dockhero url for the streamlit and fastapi apps, which maybe accessed at the respective ports: 8501 and 8000.

I have three questions:

  1. Is there any way to access the streamlit side of the app using the Heroku url? I may be missing something here, but I have only been able to access it from dockhero.
  2. I would like the fastapi side of the app to only be exposed to the streamlit side of the app. Is there a way to implement this?
  3. More broadly, have you discovered a way to deploy the two docker images to the Heroku docker container, while allowing the streamlit to access the get or post outputs internally without exposing the fastapi app to the external web?