daviddias / awesome-hacking-locations

:computer: :coffee: List of Awesome Hacking Locations, organised by Country and City, listing if it features power and wifi

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Parsing Awesome-Hacking-Spots markdown?

Alex-Keyes opened this issue · comments

Do you guys have suggestions for coming with a good way to parse through this document? I don't want to change the format of anything since that means we won't be able to have new PRs updated in the document. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a way to proactively parse through the README

Can you specify the requirements a bit more? wooorm/remark is one of the better markdown parsers out there, which may work for this, but there's a bit of a learning curve.

How does this improve on the browser's native search?

It looks like it should be trivial to implement their search directly. You can use basic regexes to search for cities with headings in the regex - ## Bogota, for instance, or just use plain text and see if our mileage varies.

Might be worth setting up a second GitHub repo for this, too. You could also use some GitHub database workflow, like opensourcedesign does, or octonews (unreleased, more work to do) will.