davidcollom / pvc-exporter

Provides 2 metrics to monitoring mounted pvc usage.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License Artifact Hub
As of v0.1.2
Docker Image Size (latest by date) Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date) Docker Pulls
Since v0.1.3
Docker Image Size (latest by date) Docker Pulls
Docker Image Size (latest by date) Docker Pulls

This project provides 2 metrics to monitoring block storage, hostpath and nfs pvcs. One for monitoring mounted pvc usage named "pvc_usage", and one for provides the mapping between pod and pvc named "pvc_mapping".


Now, the hostpath pvc and nfs pvc will be supported starting with version 0.1.3. So we currently support 3 types of pvc: hostpath, nfs, blockstorage.
For blockstorage just supported the pvc mounted as "volumeMounts". If your pv is block model and mounted as "volumeDevices" that not supported yet.

Architecture Change:

  1. Previously, "pvc_usage" and "pvc_mapping" were divided into 2 images. Now, they have merged into one image, called pvc-exporter. In addition, the field of the metrics have also been changed.

  2. Based on the development of k8s, the native metrics like kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes was now able to work normally and part of the demand has been met. So the pod-pvc-mapping image is maintained separately now, you can use this alone with the native metrics to monitoring pvc.

  3. If you want to upgrade to v0.1.3, we recommend that you uninstall old version then install new version.

Support list

The following storage provisioners has been tested..
4.aliyun flexvolume

The following architectures:


helm repo add pvc-exporter https://kais271.github.io/pvc-exporter/helm3/charts/  
kubectl create namespace pvc-exporter  
helm install demo pvc-exporter/pvc-exporter --namespace pvc-exporter --version v0.1.2  
#This will be provide 2 metrics: pvc_usage and pvc_mapping 
helm repo add pvc-exporter https://kais271.github.io/pvc-exporter/helm3/charts/  
kubectl create namespace pvc-exporter  
helm install demo pvc-exporter/pvc-exporter --namespace pvc-exporter --version v0.1.3  

#If you just want to get pvc_mapping:  
helm repo add pvc-exporter https://kais271.github.io/pvc-exporter/helm3/charts/
kubectl create namespace pod-pvc-mapping
helm install demo pvc-exporter/pod-pvc-mapping --namespace pod-pvc-mapping --version v0.1.3  

Metrics Examples

The value is pvc usage percent that equal pvc_used_MB/pvc_requested_MB. Some informations about pvc is also provided.
pvc_usage{container="pvc-exporter", endpoint="metrics", grafana_key="pvc-957af729-41e3-40cc-b90d-71ffab0ec149-web-3", instance="", job="demo-pvc-exporter", namespace="pvc-exporter", persistentvolume="pvc-957af729-41e3-40cc-b90d-71ffab0ec149", persistentvolumeclaim="www-web-3", pod="demo-pvc-exporter-phbmt", pvc_namespace="default", pvc_requested_size_MB="1024.0", pvc_requested_size_human="1G", pvc_type="block", pvc_used_MB="2.5", service="demo-pvc-exporter"} 0.01

This metrics provide mapping between pvc and pod.
pvc_mapping{container="pvc-exporter", endpoint="metrics", grafana_key="pvc-e555d811-c0b1-4e0b-b3ee-25c7cb1c66ee-web-0", host_ip="", instance="", job="demo-pvc-exporter", mountedby="web-0", namespace="pvc-exporter", persistentvolume="pvc-e555d811-c0b1-4e0b-b3ee-25c7cb1c66ee", persistentvolumeclaim="www-web-0", pod="demo-pvc-exporter-phbmt", pod_namespace="default", service="demo-pvc-exporter"} 0

Promethesus & Grafana

You can use this expression " sum without (grafana_key,container,pod,service,namespace,job,instance,endpoint,pvc_namespace,pvc_requested_size_MB) ( (pvc_usage) + on(grafana_key) group_left(persistentvolumeclaim,mountedby,pod_namespace)pvc_mapping*0) " to grafana to monitoring pvc usage.
note!!! You can see one pvc usage percent more than 1, that's a nfs pvc. As we know the nfs and hostpath pvc will exceed the requested size if the provisioner not support quota.
For dashboard, you can refer /docs/PVC-Dashboard.json



Provides 2 metrics to monitoring mounted pvc usage.

License:Apache License 2.0