davidB / kubectl-view-allocations

kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X utilization, requested, limit, allocatable,...)

Home Page:https://crates.io/crates/kubectl-view-allocations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The number of pods is being tallied incorrectly

ktarplee opened this issue · comments

When running the command I get this output when run from a KinD cluster, kind create cluster && kubectl view_allocations.

Resource                                           Requested  %Requested    Limit  %Limit  Allocatable     Free 
  cpu                                                     1.2         10%      3.1     26%         12.0      8.9 
  └─ kind-control-plane                                   1.2         10%      3.1     26%         12.0      8.9 
     ├─ coredns-f9fd979d6-fb9hf                        100.0m                  0.0                               
     ├─ coredns-f9fd979d6-sq229                        100.0m                  0.0                               
     ├─ kindnet-kzdjk                                  100.0m               100.0m                               
     ├─ kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane              250.0m                  0.0                               
     ├─ kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane     200.0m                  0.0                               
     ├─ kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane              100.0m                  0.0                               
     ├─ pod-a                                          100.0m                  1.0                               
     ├─ pod-a2                                         200.0m                  1.0                               
     └─ pod-b                                          100.0m                  1.0                               
  ephemeral-storage                                       0.0          0%      0.0      0%      910.2Gi  910.2Gi 
  └─ kind-control-plane                                   0.0          0%      0.0      0%      910.2Gi  910.2Gi 
  memory                                              490.0Mi          1%    3.4Gi      5%       62.7Gi   59.3Gi 
  └─ kind-control-plane                               490.0Mi          1%    3.4Gi      5%       62.7Gi   59.3Gi 
     ├─ coredns-f9fd979d6-fb9hf                        70.0Mi              170.0Mi                               
     ├─ coredns-f9fd979d6-sq229                        70.0Mi              170.0Mi                               
     ├─ kindnet-kzdjk                                  50.0Mi               50.0Mi                               
     ├─ pod-a                                         100.0Mi                1.0Gi                               
     ├─ pod-a2                                        100.0Mi                1.0Gi                               
     └─ pod-b                                         100.0Mi                1.0Gi                               
  pods                                                    0.0          0%      0.0      0%        110.0    110.0 
  └─ kind-control-plane                                   0.0          0%      0.0      0%        110.0    110.0

Notice the last line says there are 0 pods. The pods are listed above so clearly there are more than zero pods.