davidB / kubectl-view-allocations

kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X utilization, requested, limit, allocatable,...)

Home Page:https://crates.io/crates/kubectl-view-allocations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Keep Gi when outputting csv

yashbhutwala opened this issue Β· comments

Is it possible to keep Gi when outputting to csv?

No, the goal of csv is to be processed by machine. Processing unit like Ki, Gi,... introduce overhead on caller side (I remember the time I spend to find a "right" way to parse value and unit.

Sorry, I miss the notification for this request

Darn! I was hoping to use the csv as a human πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³, but if it's too much hassle, then we can close this πŸ‘. Thanks for the response @davidB πŸ˜„ πŸ’―