davglass / license-checker

Check NPM package licenses

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License not parsed correctly

saravanabalagi opened this issue · comments

How to reproduce?

npx license-checker --packages 'npyjs@0.1.3'


npx: installed 57 in 1.924s
└─ npyjs@0.1.3
   ├─ licenses: Custom: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/npyjs.svg
   ├─ repository: https://github.com/jhuapl-boss/npyjs
   ├─ publisher: Jordan Matelsky
   ├─ email: j6k4m8@gmail.com
   ├─ path: /censored/node_modules/npyjs
   └─ licenseFile: /censored/node_modules/npyjs/LICENSE

Expected Output

npx: installed 57 in 1.924s
└─ npyjs@0.1.3
   ├─ licenses: Apache-2.0
   ├─ repository: https://github.com/jhuapl-boss/npyjs
   ├─ publisher: Jordan Matelsky
   ├─ email: j6k4m8@gmail.com
   ├─ path: /censored/node_modules/npyjs
   └─ licenseFile: /censored/node_modules/npyjs/LICENSE

Why expected output

  • package.json for npyjs has "license": "Apache-2.0"
  • LICENSE file found, has "Apache-2.0" on the first line
  • all the above are present in node_modules

Debug logs

  license-checker:log scanning /censored +0ms