daveworth / Indirizzo

Extraction of Address class from geocommons/geocoder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gem inclusion does not work

cmdrkeene opened this issue · comments

First off, naming this with a capital "I" defies most convention and I am frowning upon it.

Second, this gem doesn't work.

Installing the gem works OK, but it's unusable.

require 'Indirizzo' does not work.

lower case also does not work:

require 'indirizzo'
LoadError: cannot load such file -- indirizzo

And as some have suggested, including the useful Address class directly also doesn't work:
require 'indirizzo/address' LoadError: cannot load such file -- indirizzo/constants

Someone with a working knowledge of proper Gem creation should be able to fix this. Really sad to see potentially useful but likely malformed and abandoned gems out there. Kudos if someone helps. I can't waste my time on broken stuff for that long, as I have to move on and solve my actual problem.

Thanks for getting this code almost there.

Awesome thanks @baburdick !