daveearley / Email-Validation-Tool

An easy to use, accurate-ish & extensible email validation library for PHP 7+ 📧

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Custom data provider class

nunorbatista opened this issue · comments


Need some guidance because I can't seem to understand the method that takes care of the Custom Email Provider.
I created a new Email Provider that extends EmailValidation\EmailDataProviderInterface, but how do I apply it to the \EmailValidation class?

My code:

$provider = new CustomEmailDataProvider; // my Custom Provider
$validator = \EmailValidation\EmailValidatorFactory::create('alice@example.com);
$validator->registerValidator(new CustomValidator()); // my Custom Validator, that works with no issues
$result = $validator->getValidationResults()->asArray();

How do I implement the custom $provider into the \EmailValidation\EmailValidatorFactory ?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Nuno,

You'd need to create your own factory to achieve that. Something like:


namespace YourNamespace;

use EmailValidation\Validations\Validator;
use CustomEmailDataProvider

class CustomEmailValidatorFactory extends EmailValidatorFactory
    public static function create(string $emailAddress): EmailValidator
        $emailAddress = new EmailAddress($emailAddress);
        $emailDataProvider = new CustomEmailDataProvider();
        $emailValidationResults = new ValidationResults();
        $emailValidator = new EmailValidator($emailAddress, $emailValidationResults, $emailDataProvider);

        foreach (self::$defaultValidators as $validator) {
            $emailValidator->registerValidator(new $validator);

        return $emailValidator;

I've just pushed up a change that changes EmailValidatorFactory::$defaultValidators from private to protected so you'll need to do a composer update to bring in the update.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the answer, it was helpful.
After creating a new EmailValidatorFactory I was getting this error:

Typed property EmailValidation\Validations\Validator::$emailDataProvider must be an instance of EmailValidation\EmailDataProvider or null, app\components\CustomEmailDataProvider used

The issue is with the file src/Validations/Validator.php as it expects to receive a EmailDataProvider when in fact is receiving a EmailDataProviderInterface.

I changed it to :

abstract class Validator
    private ?EmailAddress $emailAddress;
    private ?EmailDataProvideInterface $emailDataProvider;

and now it works.
I don't know if this can impact other functionalities of the code. Up to you if you want to accept this change.
Also, I suggest to update the documentation in order to reflect this implementation of the custom email data provider.

Thanks again!

Cheers for the heads up. I've pushed a fix