davebren / ResourceNestingExample

This is a demo app for android that shows how to create nested resource directories using the gradle build system.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot worked in Gradle 2.2.1

johnwatsondev opened this issue · comments



As you see the SNAPSHOT in my project it cannot identify the layout sub folder any more!

The layout file still needs its direct parent to be a layout folder. Here, the 'activity' folder is being treated as a resource folder (see how the folder icon changed). Try declaring a res folder 'src/main/res/activity' and then add a layout folder, and then add the layout file to that.

@eskimoapps YES. It worked. Thanks for your patient help!


Well I'm getting exact the same problem!!

 -- /layouts_fragment
 -- /layouts_activity


"Try declaring a res folder 'src/main/res/activity' and then add a layout folder, and then add the layout file to that." - Sorry ;)