Dauch / ggApp-ansible

to quick deploy ggApp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Table of Contents


  • Ubuntu-18.04.1
  • Ubuntu-16.04.5
  • Centos-7.5


sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
# 使用pip安装
sudo apt install python
sudo apt install python-pip
pip install ansible
  • centos
# 使用pip安装
pip install ansible
#pip install git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@devel

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# 暂时不支持macos下自动部署,ubuntu18.14.1/centos下测试通过
# 免密登录
ssh-keygen   #一路按回车跳过
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $USER@  #中途需要输入用户密码
cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/sundream/ggApp-ansible
cd ~/ggApp-ansible
# 提前安装所有依赖软件/库
ansible-playbook -i hosts/gamesrv.local --limit gamesrv_1 install.yml -e home=$HOME -K
# 部署rediscluster
ansible-playbook -i hosts/redis.local deploy_rediscluster.yml -e home=$HOME -K
# 部署mongodbcluster
ansible-playbook -i hosts/mongodb.local deploy_mongodbcluster.yml -e home=$HOME -K
# 部署accountcenter
ansible-playbook -i hosts/accountcenter.local --limit accountcenter deploy_accountcenter.yml -e home=$HOME -K
# 部署gamesrv
ansible-playbook -i hosts/gamesrv.local --limit gamesrv_1 deploy_gamesrv.yml -e home=$HOME -K


	+accountcenter		//账号中心
	+gamesrv			//游戏服
	+client				//简易客户端
	+robot				//机器人压测工具
	+tools				//其他工具



	+redis					//redis配置文件目录
	+mongodb				//mongo配置文件目录

# 可以执行以下指令检查安装软件的版本
redis-server -v
mongod --version
lua -v
openresty -v
luarocks --version

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  • 管理redis独立节点(账号中心用)
# 启动
ansible redis -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "redis-server {{redis_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/redis.conf"
# 关闭
ansible redis -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "redis-cli -p {{redis_port}} -a {{redis_password}} shutdown"
# 查看启动状态
ansible redis -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "cat {{redis_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/redis.pid | xargs ps -cp"
  • 管理rediscluster
# 启动
ansible rediscluster -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "redis-server {{redis_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/redis.conf"
# 如果是首次启动,需要初始化redis集群,ip有变化可以修改127.0.0.1
redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1
# 关闭
ansible rediscluster -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "redis-cli -p {{redis_port}} -a {{redis_password}} shutdown"
# 查看启动状态
ansible rediscluster -i hosts/redis.local -m shell -a "cat {{redis_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/redis.pid | xargs ps -cp"


  • 管理mongodbcluster
# 启动configsvr(启动可能需要一段时间,最好等待>10s)
ansible configsvr -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongod -f {{mongodb_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/mongodb.conf &"
# 启动shard(启动可能需要一段时间,最好等待>30s)
ansible shard -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongod -f {{mongodb_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/mongodb.conf &"
# 启动router(启动可能需要一段时间,最好等待>10s)
ansible router -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongos -f {{mongodb_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/mongodb.conf &"
# 如果是首次启动,需要初始化mongo集群
# 快速初始化集群(可能需要尝试多次)
ansible router_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "sh ~/db/mongodb/js/initCluster.sh"
# 也可以分步初始化集群,如下:
	# 初始化configsvr副本集
	ansible configsvr_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongo --port {{mongodb_port}} {{mongodb_workspace}}/js/initReplSet_{{replSet}}.js"
	# 初始化shard副本集(可能要执行多次确保副本集初始化成功)
	ansible shard0001_1:shard0002_1:shard0003_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongo --port {{mongodb_port}} {{mongodb_workspace}}/js/initReplSet_{{replSet}}.js"
	# 向router添加shard
	ansible router_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongo --port {{mongodb_port}} {{mongodb_workspace}}/js/addShard.js"
	# 开启分片
	ansible router_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongo --port {{mongodb_port}} {{mongodb_workspace}}/js/enableSharding.js"
# 测试分片(执行需要一段时间,最好等待>=30s)
ansible router_1 -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "mongo --port {{mongodb_port}} {{mongodb_workspace}}/js/testSharding.js"
# 关闭(关闭可能需要一段时间,最好等待>=30s)
ansible mongodbcluster -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "cat {{mongodb_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/mongodb.pid | xargs kill -2"
# 查看启动状态
ansible mongodbcluster -i hosts/mongodb.local -m shell -a "cat {{mongodb_workspace}}/{{inventory_hostname}}/mongodb.pid | xargs ps -cp"


  • 管理accountcenter
# 启动
ansible accountcenter -i hosts/accountcenter.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/accountcenter && /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty -c conf/account.conf -p . &"
# 导入游戏服务器信息
ansible accountcenter -i hosts/accountcenter.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/tools/script && python import_servers.py --appid=appid --config=servers.config"
# 关闭
ansible accountcenter -i hosts/accountcenter.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/accountcenter && /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty -c conf/account.conf -p . -s stop"
# 重新加载
ansible accountcenter -i hosts/accountcenter.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/accountcenter && /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty -c conf/account.conf -p . -s reload"
  • 管理gamesrv
# 启动
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh start.sh"
# 关闭
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh stop.sh"
# 重新启动
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh restart.sh"
# 强制关闭(非安全关闭)
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh kill.sh"
# 查看启动状态
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh status.sh"
# 执行gm
ansible gamesrv_1 -i hosts/gamesrv.local -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/{{inventory_hostname}}/shell && sh gm.sh 0 exec 'return 1+1'"


# 打包前先更新代码!!!
# 打整包
# 查看帮助
sh shell/pack.sh
# 对账号中心打整包
sh shell/pack.sh ~/ggApp/accountcenter
# 执行shell/pack.sh后会提示生成的包名
# 发布到账号中心
ansible-playbook -i hosts/accountcenter.test --limit accountcenter publish.yml -e packname=包名

# 对游戏服打整包
sh shell/pack.sh ~/ggApp/gamesrv
# 执行shell/pack.sh后会提示生成的包名
# 发布到所有游戏服
ansible-playbook -i hosts/gamesrv.test --limit gamesrv publish.yml -e packname=包名
# 发布到gamesrv_50,gamesrv_51服
ansible-playbook -i hosts/gamesrv.test --limit gamesrv_50,gamesrv_51 publish.yml -e packname=包名

# 打补丁包
# 查看帮助
sh shell/packpatch.sh
# 仓库是git管理
# 对游戏服最近2次提交生成补丁包
sh shell/packpatch.sh ~/ggApp/gamesrv HEAD~2..HEAD
# 对账号中心最近2次提交生成补丁包
sh shell/packpatch.sh ~/ggApp/accountcenter HEAD~2..HEAD
# 仓库是svn管理
# 对游戏服[530,532]之间提交生成补丁包
sh shell/packpatch.sh -s ~/ggApp/gamesrv 530:532
# 对账号中心[530,532]之间提交生成补丁包
sh shell/packpatch.sh -s ~/ggApp/accountcenter 530:532
# 执行shell/packpatch.sh后会提示生成的补丁包名
# 向游戏服发布补丁包并自动热更
ansible-playbook -i hosts/gamesrv.test --limit gamesrv publish.yml -e hotfix=true -e packname=补丁包名
# 向账号中心发布补丁包
ansible-playbook -i hosts/accountcenter.test --limit accountcenter publish.yml -e packname=补丁包名 
# 让账号中心热更
ansible accountcenter -i hosts/accountcenter.test -m shell -a "cd ~/ggApp/accountcenter && /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty -c conf/account.conf -p . -s reload"

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to quick deploy ggApp


Language:Shell 100.0%