datasweet / datatable

A go in-memory table

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is this project abandoned?

mdmcconnell opened this issue · comments

It has been two years since the last sign of activity, and even longer since any code check-in, so I wonder if this project is still under development in any way. It has a good set of functionality that I think could benefit many, works well, and documentation is good.

Hi, the project is still alive. We use it in our operations and we made no further development because it works well as is. Sorry we missed your 2 previous issues. Do you still need assistance on these?

Now I have spent a long time to reply! I am interested in performing more manipulations with datatable, and it seems to me that a few things are missing. Most important, it is using a frozen version of Expr, that is longer compatible with the current version. Someone beginning to use datatable can be confused (as I was) that the current Expr documentation does not apply. For example, it took a lot of time, and reading the code, to discover that the string concatenation operator is different. That is a hurdle to wider adoption of datatable. Is there any plan up update to current version of Expr? I also did not discover how to use Expr to modify column values in place, or how to drop a column from a datatable.