datamade / how-to

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Turn off

fgregg opened this issue · comments

We no long have any projects that are using, as far as i know. So, let's bring this service down.


  1. Archive
  2. Archive
  3. Turn off the ocd datamade process on the server
  4. Confirm no other apps are running on the server
  5. If no other processes, terminate instance OCD API
  6. If no other processes are running on Chicago Councilmatic EC2, shut that down too
  7. Investigate 'Councilmatic' server

Maybe an alternate path ...
8. Clear out any scraper related cron jobs on the server
9. Drop any databases associated with
10. Drop any databases associated with the old chicago legistar instances
11. Makes sure that the old chicago legistar instances are powered down

Does this seems right @hancush ? Any concerns that you see?

the ocdapi is the only process in supervisor

> ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-80:~$ sudo supervisorctl status
ocd-api                          RUNNING    pid 1686, uptime 222 days, 9:09:43

and docker is only running one container, which is also related to the api

> ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-80:~$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                  PORTS                     NAMES
48bb30ea3fba        mdillon/postgis:9.6   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 years ago         Up 7 months (healthy)>5432/tcp   ocd-api-postgres

this server is safe to shut down, so i'm going to do that.

server is stopped.

also stopping chi councilmatic server, nothing else was on there.

the "councilmatic" server had new york and chicago-staging on them. I stopped that one too.