datakind / dk-routing

Container-based Action Routing Tool (CART)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enforce flow of traffic stops

Zebreu opened this issue · comments

BACKGROUND: The routes could only collect down the right side of the street.
REQUEST: The optimization would account for road type (OSM data) and enforce right-side-of-the-road collection for Highways, but not for “lesser” street types.

Resequencing is affected, which is a post-processing trick we use so the nodes are reordered to avoid having a driver pass in front of a house without stopping on the first pass as this was a user request (only relevant when a driver goes both ways through a road segment, e.g. a dead end). We will need to keep track of which nodes land on a highway in the, tag them as “approaches=curb” in osrm requests, and not resequence these nodes in Resequencing is toggle-able as well in case the user does not need it. Implementation might take some time (a few days?) but is likely to succeed.