datadvance / DjangoChannelsGraphqlWs

Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is this library actively maintained?

orban opened this issue · comments

The subscription story for Graphene is pretty dire, all of the other libraries haven't been updated in years and many still use the older protocol not supported by modern routers like Apollo. There are a bunch of PRs stacked to 1) support modern Django versions and 2) support the new websockets protocol.

If the core maintainers are no longer interested in maintaining the project, would they be interested in opening up commit rights to new contributors?

At least consider moving this to something like Jazzband.

Thanks, and happy to help!

@datadvance Do you expect being able to resume maintenance on DjangoChannelsGraphqlWs in the near future? Where do things stand? Do you approve of someone forking this package under a different name?


Please take a look at the recent release. Stable 1.0 is coming...