DataCoreSoftware / dvp

DataCore's Docker Volume Plugin

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DataCore Docker Volume Plugin


  1. Verify you have met all the requirements.
  • DataCore SANsymphony version 10.0 PSP7 Update 2 or later.
  • DataCore REST Server version 1.08 or later.
  • Docker version 18.03 or later, CE or EE.
  • If using iSCSI, then the iSCSI initiator must have already been installed.
  • If using FibreChannel, then connectivity must already be established between the host node and storage server over the FC fabric.
  • Multipathing should be enabled if mirrored virtual disks will be used. Please refer to the guide for configuring linux hosts here.

Windows hosts are not currently supported even if running linux workloads.

  1. Start the DataCore plugin.

    # docker plugin install store/datacoresoftware/dvp:1.0.1 --alias datacore --grant-all-permissions
  2. If using iSCSI, connect your docker hosts to each of the SANsymphony nodes you want to consume storage from. For example

    # iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -I default -p <FQDN/IPaddress> --op new
    # iscsiadm -m node --login
  3. Create the configuration file for the plugin. This file must be located at /etc/datacore.json. Be sure to use the correct options for your environment.

    cat << EOF > /etc/datacore.json
        "StorageServer": "FQDN or IP address of one of your SANsymphony nodes",
        "RESTServer": "FQDN or IP address of your DataCore REST server",
        "Username": "Username used to connect to StorageServer - must have admin role",
        "Password": "Base64 encoded without padding password for the username",
        "Template": "Default virtual disk template to use when creating persistent storage",
        "Nodename": "`hostname`",
        "DockerVer": "`docker --version`"

Start using the plugin

  • The command line syntax to create a persistent volume is:

    docker volume create -d datacore --name <NameOfVolume> -o <Option>=<Value>

    Where Option can be any of the following:

    • size specifies the size of the persistent volume to create, for example -o size=100GB
    • fromSnap specifies that the new persistent volume should be created from a snapshot, for example -o fromSnap=NameOfSnap
    • rollback specifies that the new persistent volume should be created from a point in time of an existing volume. Requires one of the additional parameters below:
      • rollbacktime specifies that the new persistent volume will be created based on a number of seconds in the past from the current time, for example, -o rollback=original-volume -rollbacktime=300 will create a new persistent volume that contains the data on the volume original-volume from 300 seconds from the present.
      • rollbackutc specifies that the new persistent volume will be created based on an absolute time, for example -o rollback=original-volume -o rollbackutc="2018-08-01T00:00:00Z" will create the new persistent volume with the data from original-volume as it existed on midnight 08/01/2018.
    • template allows you to specifiy a different template to create a new persistent volume from a different virtual disk template than the one specified at configuration time.


  • Simple Volume Creation: Create a persistent volume named test-vol1 with size 5GB

    docker volume create -d datacore --name test-vol1 -o size=5GB
  • Create a volume based on an already existing snapshot of a persistent volume:

    docker volume create -d datacore --name new-vol -o fromSnap=snapshot-name
  • Create a volume based on a point in time from an already existing volume. In this example, a new persistent volume will be created based on the data that was present 300 seconds ago in the volume named existing-data.

    docker volume create -d datacore --name some-time-ago -o rollback=existing-data -o rollbacktime=300
  • Create a volume based on a point in time from an already existing volume. In this example, a new persistent volume will be created based on the data that was present at an absolute time, expressed in UTC, in the volume named existing-data.

    docker volume create -d datacore --name some-time-ago -o rollback=existing-data -o rollbackutc="2018-08-01T00:00:00Z"


DataCore's Docker Volume Plugin