datacenter / arya

APIC Rest to pYthon Adapter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Attribute "scope" should not be excluded from autogenerated code

weiwa5 opened this issue · comments

There are a few attributes that are excluded form generated code even if they are provided in the original xml configs from APIC:

EXCLUDEATTR = ['configIssues', 'stateQual', 'replTs', 'modTs', 'lcC',
               'childAction',  'monPolDn',  'state',  'lcOwn', 'rn',
               'triggerSt',    'configSt',  'status', 'scope', 'uid',

Going through the list and I think at least 'scope' should not be excluded from generated code and assigned with "None" if it presents in the original configs. If user has specified the scope to a custom value this will most likely alter it back to default.

A few examples where scope is used:

  • In BD subnet, scope is used to limit the network visibility of the subnet. Default is private.
  • In security policy contract, it represents the scope of the contract. If the scope is set as application-profile, the epg can only communicate with epgs in the same application-profile. Default is routing context.

As a result, "scope" is probably an important configurable property and hence shall not be excluded in the generation.
