dataarts / dat.gui

Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

When using NoLoop and redraw callback from onFinishChange(redraw) runs multiple times depending on value

vitauser1 opened this issue · comments

I don't think this is how it should work but I am a beginner....

When only redrawing on a gui change, the redraw call back seems to be called multiple times depending on the value of the slider.

So if slider is at 40, draw is run 40 times and prints the test text 40 times.

I was imagining it should only run once when slider has changed?

Am I missing something. Any help appreciated!

Example (p5.js):

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  test = {number: 1000};  
  gui = new dat.GUI();
  gui.add(test, "number", 1, 100, 1).onFinishChange(redraw);

function draw() {
  print("TestText", test.number);