Data-Centric AI Community (Data-Centric-AI-Community)

Data-Centric AI Community


Geek Repo

The Data-Centric AI Community is the home of all things data. Help us achieve high-quality data for data science!

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Data-Centric AI Community's repositories


Open-Source Software, Tutorials, and Research on Data-Centric AI 🤖

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:314Issues:18Issues:2


A curated list of awesome resources such as books, tutorials, courses, open-source libraries, exercises, and other materials that support Pythonistas in the making, and Pythonistas migrating into Data Science! 📊

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:73Issues:7Issues:24


NIST Collaborative Research Cycle on Synthetic Data. Learn about Synthetic Data week by week!

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:27Issues:6Issues:0


Our epic Code With Me sessions: from introductory to advanced topics 🚀

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:4Issues:4Issues:0


The Data-Centric AI Community is the home of all things data. Join us!