dask / dask-labextension

JupyterLab extension for Dask

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Dask Lab-extension not connecting with dask-gateway dashboards

viniciusdc opened this issue · comments

This is a cross-post of nebari-dev/nebari#1012

What happened:

I pasted a link to a dask gateway cluster dashboard into the dask lab extension search box, and nothing happened.

What you expected to happen:

The behavior should be the same one as we can see for dask.distributed dashboard links (which does work), e.g. allowing me to open the various windows of the dashboard in Jupiter lab.

Minimal Complete Verifiable Example:

From jupyterlab

from dask_gateway import Gateway
gateway = Gateway()
cluster = gateway.new_cluster()

Then I copy/paste the dashboard link, into the lab extension. Nothing happens. The lab extension never becomes active.


Anything else we need to know?:

This works for dask.distributed dashboards.

This is the related response from the DaskDashboardCheckHandler:

{"url": "https://quansight.qhub.dev/gateway/clusters/dev.d9667a0ca58f4144a68b920838e01650/", "isActive": false, "plots": {}}

Also, the dashboard is available and we can easily connect to it by the same URI

Kernel Environment:

    name: dask
      - conda-forge
      - python
      - ipykernel
      - ipywidgets
      - python-graphviz
      - dask ==2.30.0
      - distributed ==2.30.1
      - dask-gateway ==0.9.0
      - numpy
      - numba
      - pandas

A complete environment for the Jupyterlab configuration can be found here
Python version: 3.8
Operating System: Linux
Install method: Conda