dask / dask-labextension

JupyterLab extension for Dask

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Long plot names

jrbourbeau opened this issue · comments

In dask/distributed#5129 we added a new "Workers network bandwidth timeseries" plot. I noticed that when the labextension sidebar is small, this plot's name is large enough that its text doesn't fit inside the corresponding button:

Screen Shot 2021-08-19 at 3 53 51 PM

A couple of things we might consider:

  1. We can change the plot's name in distributed (e.g. drop the word "bandwidth" or "network"). However, as we make new plots in the future, some longer names might slip through. I suppose we could always add some test in distributed that plot names must be below X characters
  2. I'm wondering if there's anything we can do in the labextension to dynamically change the name that's displayed based on the size of the sidebar (e.g. adding ellipsis like "Worker network bandwidth tim...").
  3. ... something else?

cc @ncclementi for visibility

This is a quick fix I can take care of by modifying the name on distributed, in these two lines



now, what do we want to remove "network" or "bandwidth" ? I'm curious what's the better name choice for the user to find the plot.

We can also do some things with CSS on the labextension side to wrap or clip long names (possibly with a hover for the full name)

now, what do we want to remove "network" or "bandwidth" ?

I would drop "network" and go with "workers bandwidth"

I noticed that we already have a plot called "Bandwidth Workers" I wonder how would we deal with this since it might cause confusion.

Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 1 15 14 PM

Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 1 18 33 PM

Is this plot ever used?

This is plotting the bandwidth information in self.scheduler.bandwidth_workers

Ah, good point. That plot is included in performance reports currently. @mrocklin feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that plot is useful and we should keep it around.

Maybe the new plots should be "workers network" and "workers network timeseries". That will fit within the labextension button and is consistent with other plot names (e.g. "workers disk", "workers CPU timeseries", etc.). We can reevaluate after the release later today

This is now fixed by dask/distributed#5239