dask / dask-labextension

JupyterLab extension for Dask

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`Uncaught (in promise) Error: Schema not found` on new installation

TomAugspurger opened this issue · comments

What happened:

I create a new environment

conda create -n dask-labextension-test -c conda-forge python=3.9 ipython jupyter notebook jupyterlab dask-labextension

and start jupyterlab, and I see an error in the browser console

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Schema not found: /home/taugspurger/miniconda3/envs/dask-labextension-test/share/jupyter/lab/schemas/dask-labextension/plugin.json
    at Function.create (static/lab/jlab_core.4cb3c625b5e8bf236b99.js?v=4cb3c625b5e8bf236b99:2)
    at async a.fetch (static/lab/jlab_core.4cb3c625b5e8bf236b99.js?v=4cb3c625b5e8bf236b99:2)

What you expected to happen:

Ideally no errors :)

Minimal Complete Verifiable Example:

$ jupyter lab

and open the console.

Anything else we need to know?:


This is with dask-labextension 5.0.1.

Thanks for the report @TomAugspurger! I can reproduce the error, though most of the extension still seems to function. To confirm -- does this break the extension entirely for you, or just some settings-related functionality?

This seems to not be a problem when installed with pip, so something is up with the conda packaging not bundling the settings schema.

This should be fixed in conda-forge/dask_labextension-feedstock#22, thanks @bollwyvl ! I'll keep this open until I verify.

I've verified that this is fixed in 5.0.2 on conda-forge.