dask / dask-labextension

JupyterLab extension for Dask

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mention how to proxy dashbord link in README

mathause opened this issue · comments

It took a lot of digging to find out how to connect to a dashboard on a remote machine/ jupyterhub instance. Finally I found: https://jobqueue.dask.org/en/latest/interactive.html#configuration and it works well. Could we link to this in the README?

That is the recommended way to connect to a dashboard via jupyterhub? How would a sysadmin best set that up for all users?


before starting jupyterhub?

That's definitely a valid way to configure this. I would support adding a section to the README. Do you have any interest in raising a PR to add this?

Depending on which spawner you are using for Jupyter Hub you should be able to configure environment variables for each Jupyter session.

Big +1 on documenting this a bit more clearly right away in the README, we were just looking at this issue with @consideRatio and eventually the above proved very helpful!

I think I had issues with this because I had an old config file around - now it seems to work without setting the environment variable.


Is even better since it will take care of everything in front of /user, if any.

Example on my system:
