dask / dask-labextension

JupyterLab extension for Dask

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Help setting up a development environment

jacobtomlinson opened this issue · comments

I'm struggling to set up my development environment since the move to Jupyter Lab 3. I followed the guide to set up my development environment as per the README instructions but I am struggling to get an editable install.


  • cd /tmp
  • git clone git@github.com:dask/dask-labextension.git
  • cd dask-labextension
  • conda create -n daskjupyterdebug -c conda-forge python=3.8 ipython jupyterlab -y
  • conda activate daskjupyterdebug
  • jlpm
  • jlpm build
  • jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite

This last step fails with ModuleNotFoundError: There is not a labextensions at ..

If I launch Jupyter Lab the extension appears to be installed, but if I make modifications and run jlpm build I don't see them reflected after relaunching Jupyter Lab.

Also if I list extensions it appears I have the latest release installed instead.

$ jupyter labextension list                 
JupyterLab v3.0.9
        dask-labextension v5.0.1 enabled OK (python, dask_labextension)

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for flagging this @jacobtomlinson, I can reproduce your issue. You haven't done anything wrong -- instead it looks like I missed a step to get editable installs working in #162 (thought non-editable installs should still work locally). I'll whip up a fix