dask / dask-docker

Docker images for dask

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Expose Jupyter Notebook IP address to ``?

isVoid opened this issue · comments

Hi, I need to setup the cluster in a remote server and access it from a local machine. Currently the notebook IP address is set to the loopback address and prevents external user from accessing. How to expose it for remote accessing?

I think you need to set jupyter.args to --ip

Which docker images are you using? The defaults or are you testing with RAPIDS?

I was using the default images.

Ok cool, I'm going to transfer this to the Dask Docker repo then as it seems to be a problem with the image rather than the helm chart.

If you think other folks might run into this we may want to explicitly bind to in the Dask Notebook image.

exec start.sh jupyter lab --NotebookApp.base_url="${NB_PREFIX:-/}" ${JUPYTERLAB_ARGS}

In the RAPIDS images we set a bunch of sensible options, maybe we should do the same for Dask.

@isVoid do you have any interest in opening a PR?