dask / dask-docker

Docker images for dask

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Observations from 2021.8.1 automatic release

jrbourbeau opened this issue · comments

A couple unexpected things happened with the latest automatic release procedure:

  • GitHub actions didn't run when the pull request was initially opened (though when I pushed an empty commit, GHA ran as expected). I checked https://www.githubstatus.com/ and there were know reported issues with GitHub actions during this time. xref #178
  • Even though the automerge label was applied to the PR, it wasn't automatically merged after all CI checks passed. xref #178
  • Twice as many build CI jobs ran on #178. I suspect this is because we're triggering on both pull_request and push events
    on: [pull_request, push]
  • The PR which was automatically created updated the release: XXXX.XX.X field in build/docker-compose.yml but not .github/workflows/build.yml (xref #179). EDIT: fixed by #181
  • Images for the new 2021.8.1 release aren't appearing on docker hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/daskdev/dask/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) (I think this is related to our autotagging action)

For reference, since our build workflow will push to docker hub on push events with a new tag

push: ${{ github.repository == 'dask/dask-docker' && github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags') }}

I ended up manually deleting the 2021.8.1 tag (which was generated from the autotag workflow) and pushing an empty commit to main with a new 2021.8.1 tag (3362618). This resulted in docker images for the new release being published

Thanks for writing this up @jrbourbeau. I'll take a look at these.

Curious how many of these are still issues

IIUC all of the unchecked boxes in the original post are still valid

I've fixed up a few things and checked a few boxes in the post above that I can confirm as resolved.

The last outstanding one is the auto merge, I'm not sure if this is fixed by the other changes I've made so let's wait until the next release and see what happens. cc @jrbourbeau @jsignell.

ping @jrbourbeau @jsignell how did things go with the latest release?

I see some extra changes were pushed to the PR so I'm guessing the find and replace still isn't working quite right, and the automerge didn't work. Is there anything else?

Yeah, that's correct. I also noticed that the autotag workflow did assign a 2022.4.0 tag, but assigning that tag didn't result in us pushing Docker images to Docker Hub or ghcr.io. As of now the latest images available are for 2022.3.0. I should also note that deleted the 2022.4.0 tag which was automatically added and manually re-added the tag myself to see if that would help, but it did not