dashed / gulp-spawn-shim

Thin wrapper (shim) of Node.js's child_process.spawn() with respect to gulp (vinyl file streams) by binding to stdin, stdout, and stderr.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


sindresorhus opened this issue · comments

As you know gulp-spawn already exists, so why was this created? That should be the first thing users see when they come to this repo.

To reduce the friction I would prefer if you tried to integrate your needs into gulp-spawn instead of creating a duplicate plugin. This is to make it easier for the user.

The actual reason was that I was making a plugin along the lines of gulp-pandoc as an alternative to grunt-pandoc, and I ended up with this as a 'general case'.

I needed something immediate, and I couldn't really wait for the PR to go through in a matter of hours.

Do I need to merge my stuff into gulp-spawn? @hparra perhaps we can work something out?

I made gulp-spawn some time ago. Needs updating to latest versions. PRs welcomed, but I do want to keep interface minimal for maximum compatibility with beasts like imagemagick and ffmpeg.

Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I'm going to revisit this based on discussion on usage of browserify and gulp over at gulpjs issues page.