dashbitco / nimble_publisher

A minimal filesystem-based publishing engine with Markdown support and code highlighting

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Persistent error in VS Code related to markdown file name

frunox opened this issue · comments

I have an app that works using nimble_publisher (current version). I started with 1 markdown file. No problems. I added a second markdown file with an improperly formatted name and get this error in the VS Code terminal:
_(ArgumentError) cannot parse "2022-02-22_back" as date, reason: :invalid_format

│ (elixir 1.12.3) lib/calendar/date.ex:362: Date.from_iso8601!/2
│ (discuss 0.1.0) lib/discuss/blog/post.ex:8: Discuss.Blog.Post.build/3
│ (nimble_publisher 0.1.2) lib/nimble_publisher.ex:45: anonymous fn/5 in NimblePublisher.extract/2
│ (elixir 1.12.3) lib/enum.ex:2385: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
│ (nimble_publisher 0.1.2) lib/nimble_publisher.ex:42: NimblePublisher.extract/2
│ lib/discuss/blog/blog.ex:4: (module)_
Notice I had an underscore in the file name.

  1. I corrected the file name, but the error message persists.
  2. I moved the file to an unrelated folder, but the error message persists.
  3. I shut down the server and re-started it, but the error message persists.
  4. I restarted by computer, but the error message persists.
  5. I put the file back into the correct folder, and the error message persists.

My app works as expected - both markdown files are being rendered as expected using Blog.all_posts() and Blog.get_post_by_id!(id)). But, the error message is still showing in the VS Code terminal.

VS Code is highlighting this line in blog.ex:
use NimblePublisher,

This is an annoyance, so not critical, but the error message should be resolved after the file name was changed.

I believe this was an Elixir bug. Can you try out Elixir v1.13?

The Windows installer isn't working. It can't download the elixir.csv file. I will continue trying. Thanks for the quick response.

Does this error persist? :)

Closing this for now. Pls let us know if it persists!