dashbitco / nimble_options

A tiny library for validating and documenting high-level options. 💽

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New type: `:existing_module`

am-kantox opened this issue · comments

I find myself copy-pasting the following implementation to be used to validate a dependency injection via module:

@doc false
def existing_module?(value) do
  case Code.ensure_compiled(value) do
    {:module, ^value} ->
      {:ok, value}
    {:error, error} ->
      {:error, "Cannot find the requested module ‹" <> inspect(value) <> "› (#{error})"}

and use it in options schema declaration as

  {:custom, MyValidators, :existing_module?, []}

I believe it’d be a great candidate for another default type. I am all-in to provide a PR if this would be desired.

I'm in favor of this 👍. Would love a PR, yes please! 💟

@whatyouhide I am not sure if this makes sense actually.

first, why ensure_compiled? Would it always be a compile time dependency?

then, often you want to the module to expose some API, so wouldn’t you most likely need to check it with function_exported? and need custom code anyway?

@josevalim the intent was to establish a compile-time dependency, yes.

The check for exported API might be needed, but at least it narrows down errors induced by typos.

After thinking more about this, I do think that this is probably out of scope for this library. You can always write a custom validator and do these checks in there. Thanks anyways @am-kantox! 💟