dashbitco / broadway_rabbitmq

A Broadway producer for RabbitMQ

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Retrieving additional information from AMQP.Queue.declare

tielur opened this issue · comments

I have a requirement where I need to get access to the rabbitmq queue size. The AMQP client returns this information when using declare/3 which is currently being ignored by broadway_rabbitmq here.

Is this something that could be added to the message metadata or the producer state so that I can access it in handle_message/3?

I'm happy to open a PR if this is something that would be helpful to add

Interesting. Is declare/3 the only way to get this information? Can't you get it yourself afterwards?

Interesting. Is declare/3 the only way to get this information? Can't you get it yourself afterwards?

After looking at more documentation it does seem like I can. The :amqp_channel is exposed in the metadata in which I can call methods to get what I need like message_count/2