dasgeekchannel / archi3

i3config for Arch

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i3config for Arch Special thanks to https://github.com/addy-dclxvi/i3-starterpack


First, install i3wm sudo pacman -S i3-wm dunst i3lock i3status

compton hsetroot rxvt-unicode xsel rofi fonts-noto fonts-mplus xsettingsd lxappearance scrot viewnior

Additional Arch Packages you probably want and fixes:

sudo pacman -S i3-wm dunst i3lock i3status sudo pacman -S compton hsetroot rxvt-unicode xsel rofi xsettingsd lxappearance scrot viewnior sudo pacman -S dmenu sudo pacman -S screenfetch sudo pacman -S nitrogen sudo pacman -S kdenlive sudo pacman -S breeze sudo pacman -S ffmpegthumbnailer sudo pacman -S vlc sudo pacman -S htop sudo pacman -S a52dec faac faad2 flac jasper lame libdca libdv libmad libmpeg2 libtheora libvorbis libxv wavpack x264 xvidcore gstreamer0.10-plugins sudo pacman -S flatpak

Fix Potential Sound Issues Arch:

sudo pacman -S alsa-firmware

Integrate AppImages

trizen -S appimagelauncher

Edit configs: [Ctrl+H in file manager to view hidden files via GUI]

~/.config/i3/config ~/.config/i3status/config


i3config for Arch

License:GNU General Public License v3.0