dart-lang / markdown

A Dart markdown library

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Confirm the mark and license for forked code

Guo-Zhang opened this issue · comments

Hello! I am extending the Dart and Flutter Markdown to implement MyST Markdown by JupyterBook Project.

I have forked the fenced_code_block_syntax.dart module to my project. I marked at the top of the file, see:

/// Originally based on `package:markdown/src/block_syntaxes/fenced_code_block_syntax.dart` (BSD)
/// https://github.com/dart-lang/markdown/blob/master/lib/src/block_syntaxes/fenced_code_block_syntax.dart
/// See https://github.com/dart-lang/markdown/blob/master/LICENSE for original license.


Is this a proper mark for using the code?

Thanks for your help!

None of us are lawyers here, but if you search around for how to fork open source code, with our particular license, I think you'll find your answer. No concerns by me.