dart-lang / homebrew-dart

Dart team's official tap for homebrew.

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Can't install previous version from brew

dmitriiBogatko opened this issue · comments

I need to install Dart SDK 2.10.0.
How can i do this?

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dart-lang/homebrew-dart/3960174d4783525f7206002baefb664c896c3160/dart.rb
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated Homebrew from de8f487b8 to 1f6c1e974.
No changes to formulae.

Error: Calling Installation of dart from a GitHub commit URL is disabled! Use 'brew extract dart' to stable tap on GitHub instead.
 brew extract --version=2.10.0 dart dart-lang/homebrew-dart
==> Searching repository history
Error: dart: Calling 'devel' blocks in formulae is disabled! Use 'head' blocks or @-versioned formulae instead.
Please report this issue to the homebrew/core tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core), or even better, submit a PR to fix it:


cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/dart-lang/homebrew-dart
git checkout 3960174d4783525f7206002baefb664c896c3160
cp dart.rb /tmp
brew install --build-from-source /tmp/dart.rb
brew switch dart 2.10.0

How can you make it easier?

The closest we support are the community-contributed keg-only formulae for the minor releases: brew install dart@2.10.