dart-lang / homebrew-dart

Dart team's official tap for homebrew.

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brew linkapps is deprecated

jacehensley-wf opened this issue · comments

With brew 1.1.8 brew linkapps and brew unlinkapps is deprecated. When it is eventually removed will something need to be done so the installed Dartium/Content Shell will be the correct version?

@jacehensley-wf where do you use linkapps?

I've noticed that Alfred on my mac just finds Dartium in the homebrew directory.

I use it when I install dart with content shell and dartium. It is also in the install instructions in this repo's README.

Would pub run test -p {{ content-shell | dartium }} work if they were not properly linked in the Applications dir?

content_shell is put in brew's bin dir. So you're good there.

Dartium is searched for relative to the SDK dir


Which should also be fine

I haven't linked these apps in a long time and both keep working for me.

Hmm interesting, I'll have to give that a try. Thanks for the response!