dart-lang / homebrew-dart

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Please define best practices

rightisleft opened this issue · comments

Can you please outline best practices for using Dart Editor with this formula in the README.

In the editor.properties file I'm providing the variable

This works well enough. However, this file seems to get over written by the Dart Editor upgrade process.

Hi, thanks for the report.

Can you please file an issue for the Editor at http://dartbug.com/new ?

Meanwhile, you should use this directory: /Users/sethladd/homebrew/opt/dart/libexec for your SDK home.

I'll close this here, as the issue seems to be with Editor overwriting your file.

Is there a work around for the following:

Could not find dartium executable in /usr/local/Cellar/dart/chromium

when using:


This occurs when creating a Chromium Launcher and running it

I think dartium is installed into a different directory. I assume you also installed Dartium (brew install dartium)?

Do an ls in /usr/local/Cellar to see what's in there.

Sorry I don't have the specifics right now.

Sorry my above post was not specific enough:

i've executed 'brew install dart dartium' which executed both formulas and installed them to their respective directories.


Apparently Dart Editor tends to look for the chromium executable in the parent folder of the dart-sdk containers (this is how the bundle is setup).

So by defining dart.sdk=/usr/local/Cellar/dart/1.8.5/ - on chromium launch - the dart editor looks in /usr/local/Cellar/dart/ instead of the formula location of /usr/local/Cellar/dartium/1.8.5/

This is why i was asking for best practices in relationship to using the Dart Editor with this forumla. I can create a bunch of symlinks, but that seems to reduce the usefulness of using brew in the first place.

Great question. Can you please email editor@dartlang.org, as that is the mailing list that is watched by the Dart Editor team. Thanks!