darshan2509 / DKNavigationDrawer

Navigation Drawer for iOS using Swift. https://media.giphy.com/media/I45syjhreC0Rq/giphy.gif

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Navigation Drawer for iOS using Swift.


  1. Add DKNavDrawerDelegate and DrawerView to project.
  2. Assign class DKNavDrawer to your navigation controller
  3. Add a Right Bar Button to your RootViewController connect it to a action.
  4. RootViewController should conform to DKNavDrawerDelegate
  5. Initialize - var rootNav: DKNavDrawer?

In viewDidLoad() of RootViewController add 2 lines

rootNav = (navigationController as? DKNavDrawer)
rootNav?.dkNavDrawerDelegate = self

The button action code

@IBAction func btnToggle(_ sender: Any) {
//Implement this as this is a delegate method
   func dkNavDrawerSelection(_ selectionIndex: Int) {


Navigation Drawer for iOS using Swift. https://media.giphy.com/media/I45syjhreC0Rq/giphy.gif


Language:Swift 100.0%