darron / goshe

Sends metrics to Datadog for items that don't have agent integrations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

There's a significant bug in dnsmasq stats post 0.2.

darron opened this issue · comments

Don't have time to track it down right now - but it doesn't appear to give results that made sense.

The statistics were hundreds of times higher than before - which doesn't seem to be right.

Will be digging into it next week.

It all looks good in local testing - but it made my staging environment crazy:


It's somewhere in here?


Or else there's a bug in 0.2 that is radically undercounting DNS. I guess we'll see.

Duplicated it today.

It's kind of stupid - but I needed a >= sign in two places. Commit incoming.