darrenjacoby / intervention

WordPress plugin to configure wp-admin and application state using a single config file.

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PHP Errors in Ajax Response warning when removing comments menu item

grahammtbr opened this issue · comments

Query Monitor yelled at me after adding remove comments menu item to my array,

'wp-admin.{all}' => [

Here's what my console had to say,

component: "Core"
file: "wp-admin/includes/plugin.php"
key: "354ba22554f7809793fd8fbf0d259701"
line: 1769
message: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()"
stack: (3) […]
  0: "remove_menu_page()"
  1: "Sober\\I\\A\\S\\Menu->Sober\\I\\A\\S\\{closure}()"
  2: "do_action('admin_init')"
  length: 3
  <prototype>: Array []
type: "warning"

Thanks @grahammtbr , added https://github.com/soberwp/intervention/blob/master/src/Admin/Support/Router.php#L60-L62, could you re-test from master? Should solve WP/AJAX related issues.

This fixed the warning, closing.